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Attachment treatment is based on the sense of connectedness between parent and child.  Attachment is not exclusive to the parent/child relationship but exists in all relationships as well.  For the child, this connectedness forms the basis of vulnerability or control, trust or mistrust with parents and affects all relationships there after.  This process is the foundation and formulation of a child’s behavioral, social, emotional, and neurological development.  In short, the child’s drive of learning to resist or please his/her primary caregiver is developed and formed.  A healthy attachment teaches a child to trust, form healthy relationships, and develop a healthy sense of self-worth throughout his/her life.


Working with children and adolescents from ages 2-18 falls under the theory of Attachment.  Depending on multiple factors such as, but not limited to, age, behaviors being presented, child cognitive development, level of detachment, and severity of problems, different approaches are used.


Through a process of understanding attachment, self-preservation and working through emotional hurts, the individual is then able to see, hear, and understand their spouse’s hurts; therefore working towards a place of vulnerability and trust.  This approach helps couples understand each other, communicate openly with compassion, and make sense of any given situation which leads to closeness and emotion intimacy.  


Individual adult talk therapy focuses on helping the person over come struggles they may be experiencing in his or her life.  This process is achieved by working towards mutually set goals for the individual through encouragement, support, and accountability.


Parent Coaching is necessary for a child’s growth.  It can take place during a hands on interactive experience with the child and therapist or through individual talk time with the therapist.


Overcoming an addiction is about something much deeper than simply stopping a behavior.  It is about the restoration of a God created identity.  Changing the behavior or removing a habit is only the beginning of addiction recovery.  True recovery comes from understanding needs, healing the heart, experiences in our journey and walking with God to freedom and restoration.  “It was for freedom that Christ set us free” (Galatians 5:1).  “The thief comes only to steel and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10).  It was for freedom and life Christ came to give us, not trapped in our struggles and just getting by.  He came to heal up the broken hearted and set people free (Luke 4:18).  It is with this promise that true freedom and recovery can be achieved.  
